
Textured Turquoise Postcard

I made this 4x6 postcard a little bit ago... I wanted it to have a lot of texture so experimented with lots of different things. Doesn't it look a bit different than my normal style? But I still like how it turned out.
It's got stamped metal, wire, crumpled paper...
Even some sparkly microballs :) Before I painted the whole thing turquoise with acrylics and added gold pigment powder, I pretty much hated the colors.
Can you see why I painted over it? :) Looks better turquoise, huh? Anyhoo, Happy Thursday!

Also: I get to go to the critter zoo tomorrow and hold a baby grizzly bear!!! I'm so excited.


  1. I don't know exactly what it is, but I just love your style. Maybe its the colors...maybe the movement and earthy feel, but whatever it I can't get enough!

  2. These are great! And you have me convinced that I MUST purchase a metal stamp press thing-a-ma-jig.

  3. What is your style? :D! I love them all. I love your new card. Please post pics if you can hugging a baby grizzly. I love bears. It's been a long time since I have got to hug one.

  4. I like both versions, and I am very jealous of you being able to cuddle a wee bear!


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