
Man is made or unmade by himself - a set of ATCs

“Man is made or unmade by himself. In the armory of thought, he forges the weapons with which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds... joy, strength and peace.” - James Allen in As A Man Thinketh. 

A friend of mine sent me this little book for my birthday, and I’m about halfway through it. It’s about how our thoughts shape our reality and thinking good thoughts will manifest good results. I’m trying to take it to heart and implement more positive thinking! These ATCs have one of my favorite lines from the book so far. Woot woot for fun and positive crafting :) I just sat down with my bag of scraps and threw down some paper and ink. Therapy.

 It also helps that I’ve got my medications reconfigured once again so I’m not being crushed by the weight of crippling depression and anxiety. My new attitude for stress reduction has been going fantastic. I’ve been spending a few hours outside with the boys every day that the weather has been good for the past couple of weeks. Whether it’s in the yard or at the park, it makes a big difference. For one, they don’t make messes in the house. Secondly, I get to stretch out on a blanket under the sky and do a little bit of makeshift amateur yogajunk and deep breathing. Therapy. 

I’m feeling good about taking advantage of this beautiful weather before the Alabama heat, bugs and humidity become unbearable in a month or so. Carpe diem! I’m enjoying myself. 

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