Hello, Great Big World! Meet Buddy Bonesteel Nichols, born May 2, 5 lbs 11 oz, 19 inches!
For anybody wondering where on earth I've been, or who have known, but have just been wondering how on Earth I have been doing: My update post is finally here. I feel like only just this week am I emerging out of the hardest, most challenge-ridden couple years of my life so far. Those of you following my blog over the years have know about our struggles with my back pain and infertility, then this turned out to be a tough pregnancy with lots of puking and headaches and hips popping out and carpal tunnel, etc etc etc. Then to top it all off, baby came prematurely, and then I ended up struggling with some serious postpartum depression and anxiety. I am lucky (?) to have had experience with clinical depression and anxiety in the past, so after only a few weeks I knew that it wasn't baby blues and I needed to get some sort of help... Just this week are my meds balancing out and I am feeling like a normal person again and starting to enjoy my life. That's only the story in a teeny itsty bitsy little nutshell.
But I am HAPPY. I have my BABY and he is BEAUTIFUL :) Here are some pictures for you guys!
At the hospital, when things started to get real about a month too soon. We're thinking, "Holy crap! I'm gonna be a father!" and I am thinking, "Holy crap! This hurts like a mother!"
Just about an hour old, face all swollen and cute.
My favorite picture in the entire world.
When preemie Buddy had to be a little glo-worm in the bilibed because he was jaundiced.
Two weeks old, tiny boy
Seven weeks old, big boy
My mom and me and Buddy.
Anyway, I've missed the blogging life. I hope to be back soon with pictures of some things I've made. I do have a few projects I've yet to share here that just haven't made it onto the internets yet because I've been...well...you know. Busy!
Thanks for all the love.