The Kira Nichols Etsy Shop

Plenty more to see at! Bookmarks, planner clips, digital stamps, ornaments, and many more unique gifts. Thanks for supporting this artist!

Work Table Declutter Challenge

Stuff... it's accumulated on my work area. Of course, I've got lots of things that stay on the table, that LIVE on the table, such as my pens, markers, washi, various cups of pencils, adhesives and scissors, paints, favorite inkpads, etc. You know, the stuff that's always getting used and has to constantly be accessible for maximum crafitng sanity.

But then there are the catch-alls. Little wooden bowls that get filled up with crap. Baskets that eventually overflow with paper scraps and ephemera. Broken bits of this or that. Or things that definitely have a place, but I've just been 100% too lazy and not bothered to put away properly. (It's in a receptacle, it's tidy, meh. Kids are screaming. Cleanup is done. Meh. DONE! MEH!)

So I've hatched a plan... It's a challenge plan. My goal is to make 10 envelopes of quality Happy Mail to send out using ONLY the stuff currently on my desk. Maybe I'll do three or four at a time in a few rounds.

Three birds with one stone:
1. I'm cleaning up my work table and destashing with a purpose.
2. Creative time shall be mine. 
3. I can send them out and spread some happies.

Yeah, crushing it. Stay tuned. I'm giving myself two weeks.
In other maker news, I was at Walmart sans toddlers and was drawn to the stickers, because I am myself. In that aisle, there was clearance craft stuff and I found all these Coats & Clark threads for 25 cents each and I bought one of each color because I'm a craftstuff-hoarder and have only moderately-in-control FOMO when it comes to clearance supplies. And yes, I did buy some stickers, too. Kitties. End of blog post.

End of year Update

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

(Aside: What a great phrase to begin a post on my rarely-updated blog... It'll date this post perfectly for visitors when my intentions of keeping this blog current once again fall by the wayside.)

...But I mean it! I hope you're all well. I'm doing fine. Just here at home, keeping it real. Buddy and Kip are respectively 1.5 and 2.5 years old and they have been keeping me running for my money and on the brink of insanity. My depression and anxiety have been, for the most part, manageable, but it's still something I've been struggling with.

This is a phase of life, though, I keep telling myself. Once the kiddos are a little bigger and a little more independent, bla-bla-bla, I'll have more time to enjoy that solitude and crafting time that I'd grown accustomed to while trying for so many, many years to conceive and birth said kiddos.

The Etsy has been busy. Been selling lots of ornaments and bookmarks this season, so about 80% of my free time has been spent working on filling Etsy and Amazon orders. Which is nice, BUT I'd love to do a lot more creative things. Lots of the skills and crafts I've picked up have been gathering dust, just waiting for the day when I can come back to them.

Mothering is super important, though. My boys are great and so sweet and tender and (mostly) delightful.

Anyhoo, here comes the possibly futile part. Go ahead and skip this last paragraph, because it just may not happen, according to life as I know it :)

I'm hoping to begin blogging about once a week and keep up with the few makes and creativity I'm hoping to have time for. Wish me luck. In the mean time, here are just a couple pics from lately.

 I made some Christmas tree earrings that Kip destroyed less than 24 hours later.
I also got glasses this year.
I made some chicken themed inchies and glued them into my planner.

That's my update. Goodbye for now. Love and snootches.

Free Digital Stamp and Instagram Giveaway!

I have been a busy little bee, working on plenty of new projects. One of my favorites has been putting together a collection of digital stamps that are now up for sale in my Etsy! I've got over 50 new images ready for instant download for all your digistamp needs :) I'm pretty stoked about it... So please check them out! Individual digistamps are only $2 each, and you can save your sweet moolah and get discounts by buying bundles! Here is a collection of a few of my faves:

ALSO! I'm having a giveaway on Instagram to celebrate 1k Followers. Check out @oops_icraftmypants to see...

Goaties! This bundle of three goat digis is $5. Here's the listing: GOATS!

A lovely fat cochin chicken! I've got other fancy chickens, too, like Polish hens, silkies, easter eggers, etc. Here's a link to the cochin, just $2! COCHIN CHICKEN!

Do you love to send mail? This bundle of 6 Happy Mail digital stamps is only $10! HAPPY MAIL

I've got tons of monsters up in the shop.This bundle of three little monsters is only $4. Here's the listing: MONSTERS!

This is probably my favorite... It's an alien. $2. Seriously, this guy looks great with a little glitter glue. ALIEN!

Zombies! Do you love The Walking Dead like I do? $5 for a bundle of 3 digital stamps! Here's the listing: ZOMBIES!

Free stamp offer has expired! You can still find it here in my Etsy shop:

And finally, what you've all been waiting for. Here's your FREE Digital stamp. I give you permission to click, right click, and save image. Please, personal use only and link my shop when you use it! I'd love to see what lovely things you all make!

Until next time, friends! Thank you :)