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Friendly Raccoon Embroidery

This raccoon embroidery has been kicking around my craft room for literally ONE YEAR with a tiny piece of the tail left unfinished! Finally, I took the 20 minutes to get this hoop done!

Here is the hoop that now has a place on my humble hoopla wall! I think this raccoon was originally intended to be a yeti, hence the yeti-riffic coloring, but as you know, projects often head in a totally different direction!

This is a close-up of that fill stitch that was so daunting that it took me a whole year to find the motivation to finish... It's 3 strands of embroidery floss just run back and forth, back and forth as a split stitch. The texture ends up being nice and thick and delightful!
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Knickertwists said...

That texture is fantastic!

Kira Hutto said...

Oh my! that stitch for the tail is intimidating! Bravo for conquering it! It looks wonderful!