The Kira Nichols Etsy Shop

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Lots of earrings! Who knew a Pop Can could be so cool?

This is just going to be mostly an "eye candy" post, because dang. I am pooped. I'll do another post with more earrings (they're coming!) and describe more technique.

I finally got the motivation to whip out my Vintaj Bigkick machine, which I bought months and months ago. It's been hiding in my closet, inside the box... quietly weeping. "Useeee meee! I was expennnsiveee!" Well, I took a much needed Etsy vacation from Wicked Witch bookmarks, and I finally took out the danged machine. And guess what. It's pretty freaking awesome. 

Because you can turn pop cans and soup cans into pretty things. 

More later. Much love, Kira :)


Tina said...

Those are gorgeous! I hope that you are feel well and all is going wonderfully for you :0)

jengd said...

Those are TOTALLY cool! I've got some soda cans I flattened a few years ago that I still haven't done a thing with. Hmmmm...

Blissmade Designs said...

These are sooooo cute and creative! Who knew you could make something like these with a die-cut machine!

Peculiarme71 said...

Hi Kira..lovely blog you have. My name is Debbie Combs also known as PeculiarMe71 and I was trying to find you on Facebook to send you an invite to my private art group The Enchanted Imaginarium on Facebook! Think you would make a wonderful addition to our awesome group of talented girls! Please feel free to contact me if you are interested!

Cindy Green said...

Love it! I just took out a printer I bought four months ago so I know what you mean! The earrings are gorgeous, don't have one of those embossers, but would love to see how you made them. So glad you are feeling better and everything is looking rosy! :D

Ruby Murray said...

Kira they are amazing, I'm not even a jewelry person but these are beautiful.

Emma x

Chark said...

hope you're well, Kira!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kira,
We haven't heard from you in a while....we miss your creativity and inspiring spirit.We pray that all is well. Keep the faith of your toucan.Let us hear from you soon.