I've been feeling a bit of a creativity dry-spell over the last few weeks. Dunno if anyone has noticed that my posts have dwindled down to about once a week... I feel lazy! But honestly, I sit down at my table with glitter and paper and paint and stuff galore and nothing cool comes out. I'm going to chock it up to winter doldrums and that I was sick this week. Anyhoo, I painted this grumpy pink koala this afternoon after sketching and erasing about 10 different creatures that were all hideous to me and not in a good-hideous way. Koala reflects my sourpuss mood :)
I also used my new-fangled-light-tent-majig to take some shots of Peanut Button, who just had a bath.
He didn't really enjoy sitting in that box and was hooting and walking around... These were the best three shots.
Tiny Mr. Crustybeak looks very macaw-esque in this one, I think. Well, I wish you all lots of crafty mojo and good ideas this week! Hopefully mine return to me soon.
Oh Kira! LOVE this little Koala! I am sure u will be back to your norm soon! :)
Lovely drawing and sweet birdie!
--Jaclyn T
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I love your new Koala! He made me smile. Peanut is so beautiful and quite the happy guy even though he had to do a modeling session, lol. I hope you get over the MoJo grumps soon. I have been through it too.
awe, doesn't Peanut look cute after this bath! Loving your pink Koala ♥
Wishing you a happy Christmas.
so great to descover your blog today!!! I love the fact that you have so much variety and crafty inspiration here! Hugs Juls
i stumbled upon your blog and i absolutely love it! your style is beautiful and fun :D just needed to let you know in case you were unaware. Take care and keep creating!!
Just adore your little Koala! Saw your monster stamps yesterday and fell in love with them too. And I like the banner for peanuts new cage (and he's not bad himself either! What a gorgeous colour he is). Loving your style;
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