It was my goal this week to do a blog post and CHECK ME OUT! Here I am, posting :) If you can't tell by my tone, I'm patting myself on the back. Tooting my own horn. Ahem, okay, now we can continue.
Truth be told, I made these a while ago. If you follow my FB page, these were the last project I posted there, so they may be familiar.My husband is steadily working on finishing our basement, and when he was putting up the sheetrock, I stole a little scrap of drywall shim. It's pretty much thick chipboard, so I cut up little pieces and glued them together to make house shaped tiny shrines.
These three little ones are about one inch in size, and I think they turned out pretty cute. They were kind of a lot of work. I can't even remember if I made them pre-baby or post-baby...
Regardless of when I made them, they now hold up some cute Buddy pictures on the fridge.
This one is a bit bigger.
The backs. I used super strong neodymium magnets on the back because in my house, we don't have time for weak-sauce magnets failing to hold things up. My secret: I find these little round magnets the cheapest by ordering from Chinese sellers on eBay!
You know it's safe to assume that I haven't been blogging much because of this beautiful baby larva. He is allllmost 5 months old, and I can hardly believe it. He grows every day, and looks a lot like me :) He giggles. I love him. And he goes to bed early!
I've committed myself to doing an entire HOUR of crafting, craftroom organizing, blogging, Etsy stuff, etc. per weeknight after the Buddybean falls asleep. So far, I've put a dent in my craftroom organization, made a few things, and I've....
Crazy, I know. It's open for at least the 2014 holidays. I started making bookmarks again because I am insane. Totally insane.
Anyhoo, I've missed you all, blogfriends. Until the next post... Lots of high fives, hugs and love.
He's wonderful Kira, I am so happy for yiy guys. He is precious! I have missed your art and posts, but this time flies by (seems like my five year old was born last year) and you will never regret hanging out with that little man instead of getting an extra post in. It'll get easier as he gets bigger. In just so delighted that you are able to have this experience, I know you guys went through a lot to get this little guy into the world. Wonderful, hope you are soaking up the mommy time!
Best excuse ever for not "keeping up" with things. Love all your work and am happy to see it whenever you have time to share it. Babies grow fast, crafting will always be there :0)
He is adorable and he does look like you!
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