These! These are what I've been working on for the past few days. They're Japan-related things cut out of cardboard boxes and painted with craft acrylics! Girl's Camp for church is rapidly approaching, and this year each age group has a country theme. I was assigned the 2nd year girls and I picked Japan, so I've been trying to think up cute Japanese things to decorate our room. So I've got three Koinobori, a lucky cat, Kokeshi Doll, Totoro and Pikachu. I've still got a few more to make, along with treats and stuff... And I've been folding tons of paper cranes to make a garland. For now, these cut-outs have been gathering on my guest bed, and they make me grin a little each time I walk by the room (especially Totoro!)
I hope everyone had an splendid weekend!
Totoro looks so kawaii! I am glad I am not the only grown up who loves him
Cute! Love them *^.^*
these are adorable..beautiful choice of colours...
How wonderful! Your room is going to be so bright and happy. I hope you'll share pics.
These are SO cute!!! I should definitely make some. :D
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