Did I even spell exercise right? That's always been one of those tough words like 'vacuum' and 'their' which I still don't know if I'm spelling correctly. Oh well, there are more important things than spelling right now. My plan today is to clean and vacuum (?!) downstairs and try to keep it clean at least until I head out on Sunday. Yeah, wish me luck. Maybe I'll try to do a load of laundry or two... I'm sure that running the dryer will bring up the temperature in my house at least one degree. I'm frozen here.
So, Audrey said that the teaser I posted yesterday was killing her, so I decided to be mean and post another. I guess it's better than nothing to look at, right? But at any rate, I'm trying to decide on which arts or crafts I can bring for my travels. I'm thinking perhaps a drawing pen and a stack of ATC bases, maybe some yarn and a crochet hook. I am SO EXCITED to go back to the northwest!
1 comment:
You are evil! :) It's another amazing teaser!
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