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Fancy Turtle Beaded and Besequined Embroidery Hoop

 Hurrah! Who loves turtles? Who loves flashy sequined crap? Well, have I got a hoopla for you! I beaded and embroidered this little hoop for the IYP Swap with the lovely Ffrogg526 :) The turtle is just a doodle of mine. I split stitched the outlines, then used a 3-strand filler split stitch for the turtle's legs, head, and tail. Then I lazily used acrylic paint to fill the shell, since it was just going to be covered in sparklies anyway.
 The word fancy is done in metallic embroidery floss which is a real pain in the booty to work with! I swear, it must have taken me 15 attempts to even thread my needle. (No, I didn't use a threader... I'm too proud.)
And the turtle is bedazzled by hand with bead soup and mixed sequins.
And in unrelated news, my husband brought home this little fledgling sparrow on Friday. They were exterminating pest sparrow nests in the hangar where he works and this little guy didn't have much of a chance. So, I've been busy feeding the little chirp every hour 6 AM-9 PM for the past few days. He's learning to hop and fly after every feeding... I'm so glad he's feathered and almost ready to be released! I think he'll be ready to go in another week or two. Isn't he precious? Happy Monday!


bethwalker07 said...

Lovvve that hoop! I just adore sequined things! Great job!

LimeRiot said...

I, for one, love flashy sequined crap!! Awesome hoop, Kira. It's all kinds of happy.

And yay for your little rescue bird baby! What a cutie.

DeeAnn said...

WOW! I want to reach through my monitor and swipe it, lol. Love it!

Keep us updated on baby swallow. He's a cutie pie. He sure is precious. My Mom rescued birds when I was a little girl. We always had lots of wild birds in my home. I miss it very much.

Lol Deville said...

A little swipe with a glue stick on the ends of metallic thread make it much easier to get through a needle.

Kira - said...

Aha! Thank you Laurella! Genius tip! I'll definitely try that next time :)

Amy said...

Love your needle work! And the sparrow is adorable. What does he eat?

Kira - said...

Thanks for the compliments, guys :) Baby bird eats meal worms and...believe it or food. After doing research online, I found out that most wildlife rehab places feed bug-eating baby birds dog or cat food. They need mostly protein at this age, so the mix of carbs, fats and protein in dog food is just right. Weird, I know, but baby bird is thriving on it!

Unknown said...

I LOVE turtles!! That is adorable :) You always make the cutest stuff... I just love it! Hope the baby birdie makes it!

Vixie said...

That turtle is just amazing!

Gez Butterworth said...

awe, such a FAB shot of your little birdie :-)

Loving your turtle.. he's something else ♥♥

Allison said...

That's what someone meant last night about getting home to feed your little birdy! So neat you rescued "the little chirp." (And your crafts are beautiful too :). LOVED last night's!)

Cath Wilson said...

What a delight your little birdy is - so pretty. Takes a lot of looking after, though, a fledgling and you're very brave. Good luck with the fertility tests. Hope things work out for you x

Allison said...

Love the turtle!

Mrs Mac said...

Poor chick! And how awful! That wouldn't happen here, they are an endangered species and would have had to be left till fully fledged. We have a £1000 fine for even disturbing a birds nest from some distance away!
Also, one good thing about our veterinary surgeons is that if you find any wildlife in danger or distress you can take it to the vet and they HAVE to by law look after it, even this means seeking out a rescue charity to pass it on to- and it's free, they can't charge you. We recently found a woodcock wondering miles from where it should have been! We took it to a 24 hour vet and he did ok.

I hope your little escapee does well! He is obviously a fighter!