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Wirework Rings

I've been playing with beads and wire again! I found a GORGEOUS ring via Ffrogg's Pinterest, and just had to play around with the technique. After making 3 fail rings, I got the hang of it and made a ton more, because it's new, challenging, and darn fun. 
 All of these rings are very, very heavily inspired by Moss and Mist (go check it out, amazing beautiful things lie in store) and I take no credit for the style/technique. I'm just making these for fun and to learn a bit more about wirework. Wirework was actually one of my very first crafts that I began to learn at the age of 9 or 10, whenever kids are in the 5th grade.
 So, truth be told, I love making these... And I kind of got excited and went overboard and ordered 4 multipacks of different colored wire. Don't judge me! You can tell from my blog, I have a crafting obsession. For some women it's shoes. Me? Supplies.
 This one is my favorite and I've been wearing it when I go out :) I'm into those tacky, delightful aurora borealis crystals (when used in a classy way, of course!), so the main bead on this is right up my alley.
For this one, I used a shiny iridescent fish bead. I have been keeping four of these for years and years, bringing them with me every new place I've moved. I think I got them on a family vacation back when I was in high school. I finally
This is the one I sent to Ffrogg :) One of her favorite colors is purple, and I had to use an aurora crystal bead, because I love them.

 This last one is a little different style, I was just experimenting. When all my new wire gets here, I'm going to go nuts and have so much fun thinking up all sorts of crazy stuff! Anyhoo, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a great Easter Sunday! Mine was pretty much candy, church, TV and feeding baby bird. So it was good.

Until next time!


Jaclyn Trecartin said...

I like the last one the best...but they are all so pretty!

--Jaclyn T
Giveaway for TrickArt Jewellery on the blog:

Jen said...

OHHH - so pretty - I think the last one is my favorite too! You are going to do great stuff with all that new wire! ;)

Anonymous said...

Pretty! I love all the different colored beads and really love the colored wire. I have an issue with craft supply addiction as well, lol. Thanks to your post I'm now going to have to go buy some colored wire. Doh! I want to try my hand at those rings as well. Any tips?

Lol Deville said...

I've had a picture of one of those saved for an absolute age and never got around to making them (I'm blaming a lack of mandrel for my procrastination). Yours are fabulous, the red one is my favourite :)

Unknown said...

Love em all! Adorable! Every time I try to make jewelry it never comes out looking right at all. You are just so talented :)

Rae Ann said...

I so relate to your comment "with me it's supplies." I live in a small apartment in a senior high rise and I have more crafts stored in my closets than I do clothes - that includes beads and papercraft supplies. I love seeing the creative things you do.
Rae Ann O.

Allison said...

Um, want!! Esp. that last one!!! I love all of them. If you need someone to wear them around, advertise, whatever, please pick me! I LOVE these!!!!!

LimeRiot said...

So pretty!! I would never judge anyone for hoarding supplies. That would be the pot calling the kettle black!!

Audrey said...

Yes yes yes! They are beautiful!! I can't seem to get the hang of wireworking >.> i wish i could cuz these are soooo pretty!

Unknown said...

She shoots! She scores! And the crowd goes wild! (insert applause, chanting, hooting, and hollering here)

Beautiful. Just beautiful.