I made all this crap last week for a Dinosaur swap on craftster.org
I love swapping...It inspires me to craft such fun thingies

This bag was a huge success for me. It was the first project I've done on the sewing machine where I didn't lose my cool. The sewing machine just seems to always be making me so angry... This time, it did not. I used felt for the T-rex of my own design, handstitched it on using embroidery floss. The inside is lined with ivory-colored felt, and there is even a little pocket for your cell phone :)I love swapping...It inspires me to craft such fun thingies
Envelopes reconstructed from the children's book DINOSAUR GARDEN. They are little, notecard-sized envelopes. Good for writing letters!
Two stuffies, one's a stegosaurus, the other is a triceratops. I hand-sewed the stego, for fear of the sewing machine, but got brave and did the triceratops on the sewing machine. I totally rule.
This is a shrinky dink necklace with all the super0cute dino-designs I drew. I accented the charms with swarovsky rhinestones.
Since I had to send the necklace off to my swap partner, I HAD to make another set of charms. This set is slightly smaller.
Here's a set of watercolor paintings inspired by the artwork of Morgan O'Brien. I was really pleased with the stego.
Lastly, a pop-up notecard with a watercolor-painted stegosaurus. Says, "brontosaurus loves you..." Aw.
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