So ignore my HORRIBLY MESSY craftroom for a second and check out this ridiculous formal dress from the 70's or 80's. The story goes, that I have had my eye on these two particular sequined monstrocities for months now at the thrift store. I was there on Monday to browse, and had to ask, "Do y'all ever have sales?" to which the super-friendly cashier, Tina, responded that since they are so short staffed, they haven't been able to keep up cycling out the merchandise and clearancing stale goods, but asked me what I was looking for. I told her about me lurking these dresses for a while now, and she was SO NICE! She took the dresses aside and told me to call the store in the morning, she would ask her supervisor if she would mark them down. Apparently they had been on the rack since February.
LO! Behold! I called back, the dresses were marked down 50% off! I bought them for $7.50 each! My original purpose for these was to tear them down and reconstruct into multiple handbags with stitched-on felt designs. This dress, however, I think I love. Unfortunately, it does not zip fully, as the dress is a size 8, and my booty is decidedly still a size 12. I could be size 8 again if I lost a measly 15-20 lbs... Easier said than done. I love my eats. But I figure, it's hard to find a modest formal dress, and what if I need one some day, for a princess ball or (more likely) a cruise?!
No, I sha'nt be destroying THIS dress.
THIS one, however, will meet the scizzors. It's such a great color with such intense sequining.

Ah, it would look so good on stage. My stage days are over, though, so be afraid, teal-sparkle-dress, be very afraid!
GRATUITOUS SEQUIN SHOT!!!! Wouldn't this look sooo good as a handbag wif mermaid or shark motif?!
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