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Hooray! New blog stuff!

YIPPEE!!! If you haven't noticed, I've redesigned my blog! I Crafted This Today is now Oops, I Craft My Pants! This is just the first of many changes to come in the new year and I'm pretty excited.
I made this little tag card last night for a birthday (duh). I think the bird looks delightfully Pokemonesque.
On an unrelated note, I thought I'd share this: I accidentally left my glue gun on the HOT setting for about an hour and a half. That's a no-no! The last thing I need is for all my supplies to be burnt in a big bonfire.
The dripping hot glue made a really beautiful and tiny sculpture. It's actually still sitting there on my table and will remain until I need that tiny space for something else :) Click it to see it big! THE AWESOME!
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1 comment:

Christia said...

I love the new blog name!!! And that's pretty sweet about the glue gun sculpture!