The Kira Nichols Etsy Shop

Plenty more to see at! Bookmarks, planner clips, digital stamps, ornaments, and many more unique gifts. Thanks for supporting this artist!

Some changes being tinkered with...

Hey all. Some things may look a little loopy tonight off and on because I'm testing out some new looks for the blog. Also on the horizon is a name change and URL change. I think subscriptions and follower lists will stay the same, but if not, I hope you all will stay with me! Thanks for your patience while I hammer out the kinks!

BTW the new URL already works kinda! It's (it forwards you to the old URL for now)

EDIT: Everything works! Subscription feeds all still work! I'll be making some other minor adjustments this week, but the big stuff is done. I hope you all like it!!!

1 comment:

Alexz said...

Your new title made me lol so hard! Love it!